Sunday, August 27, 2017

Americans Claim Impeachment Best Response to Trump

US President Donald Trump
A majority of respondents in a new survey suggests that US President Donald Trump’s actions are a problem and impeachment would be the best solution.

The results of the monthly national poll — conducted by Harvard University's Center for American Political Studies and the research marketing firm Harris Insights and Analytics — published this week showed that 43 percent of voting Americans want Trump removed from office one way or another, while 42 percent would prefer to leave things as they are and 12 percent said he should be censured by Congress.

Trump's ways of dealing with illegal immigration and the recently-escalated tensions between the US and North Korea, seasoned with the president's controversial remarks on the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, have increased disapproval of the president's leadership among Americans and increased talks of impeachment.

Conspiracy theories over the Trump campaign's alleged ties with Russia may have also influenced the nation's mood, but a resounding 60 percent of poll respondents feel that the Russia-related investigations are hurting, rather than helping, the country.

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