Thursday, January 9, 2020

Protecting refugees in Europe: UNHCR calls for a ‘year of change’

refugees in Europe
After years of shifting policies and heated debate, UNHCR said that the ambitious but achievable recommendations would provide a common and workable asylum system within the EU through sustainable reform and revitalized financial support for host countries.

 “As we enter a new decade, and following the success of the Global Refugee Forum, the EU under its presidencies has the chance to make 2020 the year of change for robust refugee protection,” said Gonzalo Vargas Llosa, UNHCR’s Regional Representative.

Referring to the last decade as “one of displacement”, Mr. Llosa added that the new one needed to be “one of solutions, starting right now in 2020”.

“By supporting large refugee hosting countries outside Europe, the EU can also help refugees thrive and not just survive”, Mr. Llosa concluded, highlighting the strengths of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum.

Wider opportunities for protection

The UNHCR document highlights two overarching opportunities to show leadership while better protecting refugees in Europe and abroad, namely moving ahead with sustainable asylum reform; and providing more support for the countries taking in refugees...........

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