Sunday, July 17, 2016

US sanctions against Sudan impacts negatively on women and children: AU official

The sanctions imposed against the Sudanese government by the United States are impacting negatively against women and youths, an African Union (AU) official has said.

Dr. Joseph Chilengi, the Presiding Officer of Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), an advisory organ of the AU, said on Saturday that the sanctions have denied women and youths' medicine and other basic requirements.

"More than 70 percent of Sudanese are youths who were born after the sanctions and were imposed, yet they continue to face the consequences that are not of their making," Chilengi said this during a media briefing on the sidelines of the ongoing African Union Summit in Kigali, Rwanda.

In October 1997, the US imposed comprehensive economic, trade, and financial sanctions against Sudan.

He said that the government of Sudan is unable to import medicine, and companies found selling to Sudan are penalized, an act that is affecting women and children. ..,

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