Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Over half of Germans believe limit for asylum seekers reached: study

Around 54 percent of Germans believe that their country has reached its limit in terms of the acceptance of refugees, according to a recent survey by the Bertelsmann foundation.

Meanwhile, the study shows that while Germany in general is still a society that is open to asylum seekers, public opinion reflects a decreased willingness to accept more refugees.

And west and east Germans are showing some difference in their acceptance to the refugees, according to the survey, which shows 65 percent of respondents in the west part of the country and 33 percent in the east say they welcome the refugees. 

But both the figures declined from 74 percent and 53 percent two years ago, showing the sentiment change.

Germany's welcoming culture has seen the country accept more than 1.2 million asylum seekers over the past two years.

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