Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Swedish state informs citizens of how to cope with crises or war

crises or war
The Swedish state plans to send out a brochure to all Swedish households titled If Crisis or War Comes, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) announced on Monday.

The aim of the brochure, which will be sent out to 4.8 million homes next week, is to help Swedes become better prepared for everything from serious accidents and extreme weather to IT attacks and military conflicts.

"We could face societal risks and so we need to be prepared to cope on our own for a few days before social services become available to assist us," Dan Eliasson, director-general of MSB, told Swedish television on Monday.

The government tasked MSB with compiling the brochure, which is written in simple Swedish and is also available in a total of 13 languages. It contains tips for how to ensure you can access water, food and heating in case of a crisis, and it lists tips for how to communicate with one's surroundings in emergency situations.

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