Monday, April 12, 2021

India supera a Brasil en contagios - Huge Gatherings at India's Hindu Festival



 El país asiático alcanzó los 13.5 millones tras un nuevo récord diario de casi 169.000 nuevas infecciones. 

Pese a esto, siguen los baños de masas en celebraciones religiosas.


  •  Tens of thousands of Hindu devotees gathered by the Ganges River for special prayers Monday, many of them flouting social distancing practices as the coronavirus spreads in India with record speed.

The Kumbh Mela, or pitcher festival, is one of the most sacred pilgrimages in Hinduism. The faithful congregate in the northern city of Haridwar and take a dip in the waters of the Ganges, which they believe will absolve them of their sins and deliver them from the cycle of birth and death.

The Kumbh Mela, which runs through April, comes during India's worst surge in new infections since the pandemic began, with a seven-day rolling average of more than 130,000 new cases per day. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed with patients, and experts worry the worst is yet to come....VOA

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