Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth has labelled the British and Americans "hypocrites" and "champions of double talk" for the way they have behaved over the Chagos Islands.
The European Union's Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that Hamas, the Palestinian political organisation, should remain in the bloc's "terror" list, referring the case back to lower court.
The International Court of Justice on Thursday ordered Pakistan not to execute an Indian naval officer convicted of espionage and terrorism, in a case that has further strained relations between the Asian neighbors.
A non-EU parent has a right to stay in the bloc if their child is an EU citizen, its top court said Wednesday, a ruling which could complicate Brexit talks.
Public movements of Crimean Tatars are not restricted in their activities in Russia, except for extremism, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, commenting on the ruling of UN International Court of Justice following Ukraine’s lawsuit.
The International Court of Justice has rejected Ukraine’s request for measures aimed at blocking what Kiev calls “Russian support” for self-defense forces in eastern Ukraine.
The European Union's top court has ruled that employers may bar staff from wearing visible religious symbols, in its first decision on the issue of women wearing Islamic headscarves at work.
The International Court of Justice has rejected a request from Bosnian Muslims for it to revise a decade-old ruling that cleared Serbia of direct blame for genocide during Bosnia's 1990s war, officials said on Thursday.